Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Family Christmas
Merry Christmas, my family and I celebrated over the weekend. My brother informed me it has been since 1998 that we all have been together and what fun it was. We got to meet the newest little member and that was baby Morgan, see an old friend that I haven't seen in many ages and meet his daughters~ I hung out w/ his sisters, I practically lived there during the later elementary years ( Jr high know) and had lost touch w/ all of them. Cindy did an outstanding job w/ the food as usual, the older boys were as goofy as I remember but it was loving and fun. Matthew got the biggest box in the house, which I had been hopping wasn't going to one of my children. It was Elmo's restaurant and what fun it has been. It was so good to see my sister again, I've missed her and come tomorrow I'll have to miss her again since she and her family are going to Iowa and then back home to Arkansas. I've posted pics below , and I'm sure to blog again soon.
Friday, December 12, 2008
This year we mixed things up a bit, we stayed home for Thanksgivng~ normally we would have been in West Virgina . It was a busy week of get togethers. On Thanksgiving Day we went to my brothers and the great thing is my other brother is stationed here in Illinois and he got to join us. and on that Saturday we went to my sister-in-laws. Tomarrow we will gather again with my family to celebrate a Special Birthday~ Paul is turning one! and Next Saturday will be very special indeed~ It will be the 1st time in a long while that we will all come toghether to celebrate Christmas. My sister and her family are coming home and this will be their first time at meeting the little guy and his mommy. We are all so excited!
Happy 1st Birthday Pauly!
On the day b4 Thanksgiving. We made a special trip to Lombard to visit Daddy on his work break.
These last few weeks have been somewhat fun, Matthew is talking more & more. The other day while we were lying in bed, ( me somewhat asleep) he told me "get up , I'm done in bed and I'm done sleeping". how cute is that? and when saw a picture of a pool He asked me where his swimsuit was b/c he wanted to go play~ now that took me by surprize! It's so nice he can communicate with me more~ sam = anything with a siren, flow= flavored milk just in case you ever hear him refer to those things but he usually is pretty clear on what he wants.
I just had to share that! Well I Hope everyone is doing good & staying warm. I'm off to bed . Good Night.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hi, figured I'd update while time allows. Where as before it was just the girls I was contending with, but Matt and Jr have taken a liking to playing& researching things on the computer as well, so I take my few short moments here and there to just play simple games. ~ Today though any computer time was limited~ It was to much of a beautiful day to waste. I took the children and my nephew to Isle la Cache for a picnic and to sight see and it was an added bonus b/c my nephew says he never has been there, and he loved it, we also stopped of at a couple parks to play so hopefully everyone sleeps well tonight. and I was a newbie to something to, I voted for the 1st time ever, and thankfully Jr made it home in time this year to vote as well. ~~
As to the last time I blogged, I've since had to take my digital camera in for repairs, and I'm extremely grateful that this time I had a warranty. and have found fairly good deals on disposable ones for the time being. ~~and I have other great news too, regarding two people we have been praying for, Bob ( my moms boyfriend ) is doing good strength wise , so far so good. and for Daven Edwards, who has that rare lung disease , he is doing really good, had the privilege of spending time w/ him and his family this past Friday evening, I've known of him and have met him but never have really talked w/ him. He is a really nice guy. Well that it'll do it for now~ hope everyone is having a good week.!
As to the last time I blogged, I've since had to take my digital camera in for repairs, and I'm extremely grateful that this time I had a warranty. and have found fairly good deals on disposable ones for the time being. ~~and I have other great news too, regarding two people we have been praying for, Bob ( my moms boyfriend ) is doing good strength wise , so far so good. and for Daven Edwards, who has that rare lung disease , he is doing really good, had the privilege of spending time w/ him and his family this past Friday evening, I've known of him and have met him but never have really talked w/ him. He is a really nice guy. Well that it'll do it for now~ hope everyone is having a good week.!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
This past Saturday was a real treat, My mom, my brother and his family came out to visit and boy was it a busy day. First we headed to an open house at the fire department, that didn't go as smooth as I had planned, Matthew was afraid of the fire trucks so we cut that visit short. Our next stop~ the pumpkin patch farm which the kids really enjoyed~ I too enjoyed myself but I really wasn't into it~ it was hot and very crowded, Matt wanted to ride the horses but the line was very very long so he settled on a train ride with Jackie and then home to a very yummy dinner which my husband had prepared, and to really visit w/ my guests. It was a good day in general and I couldn't be more thankful. (see photos below)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Homecoming / Freshman year.
Jackie above & below w/ her new do
Doesn't she have a beautiful smile?
great dress, great hair & a beautiful smile

I have to brag about how beautiful Jackie looked before I get to the actual posting, She was just stunning in her new dress w/ this hairdo all compliments of Grandma (Nana) . My mom went all out for Jackie's 1st homecoming dance and I'm so thankful for the bond they share.
I'm excited for Jackie, b/c she'd struggled some all through out elementary and Jr high years, and didn't make friends easily. Her & the girl friends she was reunited w/ have been busy, w/ going to the powder puff football game, the big dance and getting involved w/ clubs at school, she liked student council last year and is currently serving on freshman council, she hopes to play soft ball in the spring. Another reason I'm excited, she's involved and taking opportunities as they come.
I have to brag about how beautiful Jackie looked before I get to the actual posting, She was just stunning in her new dress w/ this hairdo all compliments of Grandma (Nana) . My mom went all out for Jackie's 1st homecoming dance and I'm so thankful for the bond they share.
I'm excited for Jackie, b/c she'd struggled some all through out elementary and Jr high years, and didn't make friends easily. Her & the girl friends she was reunited w/ have been busy, w/ going to the powder puff football game, the big dance and getting involved w/ clubs at school, she liked student council last year and is currently serving on freshman council, she hopes to play soft ball in the spring. Another reason I'm excited, she's involved and taking opportunities as they come.
Keep up the good work Jackie, I'm proud of you and love you.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Anniversary Sunday
For all the aches and pains I feel tonight, today was well worth it and I wouldn't of changed a thing and staying with the theme of 7, I've listed 7 reasons why today was so good.........
1. Celebrating 7 years w/ Pastor Dave and the Fink Family
2. The message/ sermon on "Blind spots". ( I love learning new things).
3. The many talents of the Vorgin Family. ( from the bells to the singing to the musical chalk talk ~my 1st~ never knew anything like it existed) Thank you!! Vorgin Family.
4. Being used by God to assist a friend ( Janet)
5. great music ( to everyone in the choirs, and singing groups you were great & thank you)
6. making new friends, fellowshipping w/ the old ones and my family too.
7. excellent food . ( we're Baptist, do I need to say more?)
Congratulations Pastor Dave and Happy Anniversary!! You are the Best!!
1. Celebrating 7 years w/ Pastor Dave and the Fink Family
2. The message/ sermon on "Blind spots". ( I love learning new things).
3. The many talents of the Vorgin Family. ( from the bells to the singing to the musical chalk talk ~my 1st~ never knew anything like it existed) Thank you!! Vorgin Family.
4. Being used by God to assist a friend ( Janet)
5. great music ( to everyone in the choirs, and singing groups you were great & thank you)
6. making new friends, fellowshipping w/ the old ones and my family too.
7. excellent food . ( we're Baptist, do I need to say more?)
Congratulations Pastor Dave and Happy Anniversary!! You are the Best!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Getting to know you...
I was tagged by Kris and now if you want to share about you, feel free to do so...
1. What is your favorite color?
I'd have to say blues & shades of brown
2. What you wanted to be when you grew up?'
a. there was a variety but the top are below....
b. a nurse, or caregiver to all the children I felt were unloved in my neighborhood.
c . an accountant
3. Your Favorite Food?
4. How do you relax?
do sudoku puzzles, & if at all possible find a quiet place to close my eyes, and in some rare occasions clean.
5. If you won a million dollars what would you do?
pay off bills, educational expenses for children, move to a bigger house , take a once in a lifetime vacation.
6. Things I enjoy.. naps, spending time w/ family, puzzles, photography
1. What is your favorite color?
I'd have to say blues & shades of brown
2. What you wanted to be when you grew up?'
a. there was a variety but the top are below....
b. a nurse, or caregiver to all the children I felt were unloved in my neighborhood.
c . an accountant
3. Your Favorite Food?
4. How do you relax?
do sudoku puzzles, & if at all possible find a quiet place to close my eyes, and in some rare occasions clean.
5. If you won a million dollars what would you do?
pay off bills, educational expenses for children, move to a bigger house , take a once in a lifetime vacation.
6. Things I enjoy.. naps, spending time w/ family, puzzles, photography
7. What kind of formal education did you receive?
high school graduate
8. How many siblings do you have?
high school graduate
8. How many siblings do you have?
1 sister 2 brothers
What is the most important thing that has ever happened to you?
my adoption by my dad, marriage, having kids, day I got saved, and the many summers I was fortunate enough to spend w/ grandparents.
10. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
I can't pick just one
11. What is your life verse? I don't if they are life verses, but two that help me through are...
Ecclesiastes3 :1 " To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" and Luke 1:37 " For with God nothing shall be impossible."
I think I might possibly post this also on ( My Space) and see if any one responds there., good night.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This & That
Its only Tuesday ~ and a what week it has been. On Sunday we had the Todd and Grosse families over for an early dinner and for the annual Founders Day Parade~ and the best part we had front row seats~ it passes our house every year. It wasn't nearly as nice as last year, but still it was a good parade and perhaps the best part was spending the afternoon with friends. ( see photobucket post below). Matthews' favorite was of course the fire trucks, ( which he calls Sam from watching an old show Fireman Sam) I always enjoy the marching bands and the Jesse White tumblers while the children prefer to collect candy.
Then on Monday the girls stayed home from school for different reasons, and believe me it was a long day. Matthew got up at 4:30 am ( b/c he went to bed @ 6:00pm Sunday.), Jr was worn out and needed his rest, and someone ~ that would be me~ had to get Jackie to the doctor first thing to be looked at for some stomach pains she had been experiencing, then we were off to Quest for blood/ urine work to determine if she had an infection ( appendix perhaps), and that only made the day longer b/c she wasn't allowed to eat anything besides soup and liquids and I had to watch to make sure she didn't get solids. which brings me to today.......
Good news.......... She doesn't have an infection~ I won't have to sit through another appendix surgery nor have to worry about a sitter. We still aren't sure what the culprit is but the doctor recommended an over the counter medicine and that seemed to help alot, Amanda seems to be feeling better too w/ the aide of an antibiotics. and tomorrow they will return to school~ I'm relieved and thankful too~ God gave me the strength, the guidance I needed, and an answered payer for the well being of my children.
Then on Monday the girls stayed home from school for different reasons, and believe me it was a long day. Matthew got up at 4:30 am ( b/c he went to bed @ 6:00pm Sunday.), Jr was worn out and needed his rest, and someone ~ that would be me~ had to get Jackie to the doctor first thing to be looked at for some stomach pains she had been experiencing, then we were off to Quest for blood/ urine work to determine if she had an infection ( appendix perhaps), and that only made the day longer b/c she wasn't allowed to eat anything besides soup and liquids and I had to watch to make sure she didn't get solids. which brings me to today.......
Good news.......... She doesn't have an infection~ I won't have to sit through another appendix surgery nor have to worry about a sitter. We still aren't sure what the culprit is but the doctor recommended an over the counter medicine and that seemed to help alot, Amanda seems to be feeling better too w/ the aide of an antibiotics. and tomorrow they will return to school~ I'm relieved and thankful too~ God gave me the strength, the guidance I needed, and an answered payer for the well being of my children.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Enjoying time w/ others
It only took eight almost nine months for my husband to take me out and away as he had promised but the important thing is it finally happened. We stayed at the Embassy suites in Lombard and it was nice, there was a little river/creek whatever you call it running through the middle of the reception area complete w/ a fountain, waterfall and real fish~ cool!. we enjoyed a quiet lunch & dinner out and spending time together, as my mother watched my children. They had a fun day @ the zoo with their Nana and my brother Bill's family and got to see the new baby giraffe & in the evening got to bake cakes for the cake parade at church.
We really have been busy enjoying family this last month. We've spent several evenings at my brother-in-law's house getting to watch the romeo fest fire works, and just celebrated his and his wives 20Th wedding anniversary~ that was lots of fun. Last weekend we went to his sisters for a Labor Day gathering & Matt's kiddie version of bags came in real handy, he's already got a strong arm and good aim & in no time at all he'll be ready for the bigger boards.
This summer also bought time w/ other family members which I haven't seen in a couple years. My cousin hosted a gathering which was extra special b/c I got to spend time w/him, my mom & both my brothers & all their families. Which brings me to another special day & that would be.....
Today. It was great seeing, hearing, & spending time w/ friends. Everyone looked really nice, and that song" Chocolate Fever" was out of this world, though I didn't indulge in any, but considering it was a friendship tea, well let's just say I had more than enough and I'm surprised my bladder held. The skit the ladies did was really fantastic which I'm not surprised b/c who ever it might be at any given time always do an awesome job. Thank you Mrs. Julie, Mrs. Lapina and all the Ladies for another memorable day.
We really have been busy enjoying family this last month. We've spent several evenings at my brother-in-law's house getting to watch the romeo fest fire works, and just celebrated his and his wives 20Th wedding anniversary~ that was lots of fun. Last weekend we went to his sisters for a Labor Day gathering & Matt's kiddie version of bags came in real handy, he's already got a strong arm and good aim & in no time at all he'll be ready for the bigger boards.
This summer also bought time w/ other family members which I haven't seen in a couple years. My cousin hosted a gathering which was extra special b/c I got to spend time w/him, my mom & both my brothers & all their families. Which brings me to another special day & that would be.....
Today. It was great seeing, hearing, & spending time w/ friends. Everyone looked really nice, and that song" Chocolate Fever" was out of this world, though I didn't indulge in any, but considering it was a friendship tea, well let's just say I had more than enough and I'm surprised my bladder held. The skit the ladies did was really fantastic which I'm not surprised b/c who ever it might be at any given time always do an awesome job. Thank you Mrs. Julie, Mrs. Lapina and all the Ladies for another memorable day.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
the short and end of it.
center~ flowers I got 4 my birthday
right~ Matt& I after sharing a joint party together.
Hi everyone, thought I should take time to update b/c its been a while. Over the course of the last few weeks I've been to therapy for my knee and still going. In the beginning I had too to go twice a week but b/c I'm doing so well they let me skip one week and are requiring me to go once a week. I have noticed buying new shoes and watching my posture has made a big difference and perhaps losing quite a few lbs has contributed to it also.
Matthew & I celebrated our birthdays together, I turned the big 40 & Matthew turned 3. We both got some really nice gifts and it was nice to have the family and some dear friends over,
Theresa Ho came with her family, my dear friend Joanie came to surprise me~she recently moved out of town and Ron Ahrens came w/ his step son. I rarely see any of them anymore so it was a very special day.
And perhaps the greatest news, My brother has safely made it home and will be stationed at Great Lakes and I got to meet my new sister-in-law and my new nephew. She was really nice and the baby ( 7 months old) was just a really happy boy. They have never been to the states and I hope they adjust well to this new climate~ she has never seen snow and time will tell, He will be here for the next three years at least. I look forward to getting to know her a little better.
I've also been busy w/ other things, I went to closing day @ Camp Maverick. Special thanks to Renee Baker for driving us in my van, It was nice to get to know her a little better, and that place is really quite awesome w/ all the animal heads mounted and it was a really good sermon preached that day as well. I'm so glad I went. I also took my children to the Naperville River Walk~ every year is a different theme and this year dealt w/ garden things,
frogs and butterflies mainly. took some pictures but didn't like the way most turned out on the digital I was using, good thing I took a disposal camera ~ now to find it and get it developed.
well thats about it, so good night and have a wonderful week.
Monday, June 30, 2008

It was an adventure but I was in time for the family reunion, I was against going at first and therefore missed my ride, but my sister-in-laws said the reunion would be on Sunday, so on Saturday evening I boarded an Amtrak and was on that train for 13 hours! It was very peaceful almost relaxing though for the next 5 hours or so after getting off I still felt like I was moving. The reunion took place as planned though a bit short lived~ after we all ate and was beginning to mingle a bit more~dark clouds came and almost everyone scurried to get everything back into bags and off the hill. I stayed up top assuming my husband was gonna drive me down, well he did eventually, about two hrs later after the nice refreshing rain storm on a tim roof~ ( he loves that sound), It was nice seeing all the nieces and nephews considering its the only time of year we get to do so. The rest of the week was okay, and I'm sorta glad to be back home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've aslo began a sight on my space @http://www.myspace.com/kimberlyslone ~ there you'll find more pics in a day or so. hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Well ladies & gents it's been a while but times have been busy,w/ parties, holiday gatherings, pet parades, zoo visits and doctor appointments. For our 17Th wedding anniversary we celebrated Jackie's 8Th grade graduation instead, only time available this month, but it was special anyway for we had family over and good family friends, and Jackie had her guests, her friends from church so it all worked out. The actual graduation was Monday and it was very nice & Ashley Parker did an outstanding job on doing her hair and it was extra special b/c Ashley got to attend the ceremony too. (see pics below)................... and the best news for last, which I'm non to thrilled about, I've been having knee problems & the doctor said I'll have to do physical therapy b/c my joints are stiff, I guess I should be grateful b/c it doesn't require surgery, but it's still crazy that I start experiencing all these aches & pains as I approach my 40Th birthday.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The School Plays
The fourth graders in Amanda's class did an outstanding job presenting their plays ~ half did one and the other half the other in:
"Play Ball, Cinderella!"
In which Cinderella had two good step sisters, and a fairy god father. Her only desire is to play baseball and in the end she is given permission to join the team.
Cinderella Outgrows the Glass Slipper"
Remember Haley (Amanda's little friend) she did an excellent job protaying Cinderella and she was quite the difficult one and had three god mothers because each of the prior ones returned to the agency as did the third one., her job description was making shoes and the royal palace ordered her shoes and of course everyone lives happily ever after.
I was very proud of all the children, they worked very hard!
"Play Ball, Cinderella!"
In which Cinderella had two good step sisters, and a fairy god father. Her only desire is to play baseball and in the end she is given permission to join the team.
Cinderella Outgrows the Glass Slipper"
Remember Haley (Amanda's little friend) she did an excellent job protaying Cinderella and she was quite the difficult one and had three god mothers because each of the prior ones returned to the agency as did the third one., her job description was making shoes and the royal palace ordered her shoes and of course everyone lives happily ever after.
I was very proud of all the children, they worked very hard!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mothers Day & Health Update
Why relieve you ask? A little over two weeks ago I started noticing some burning, and itching on my right shoulder which in turn was spreading to my armpit and then shooting some great pain into my breast which had swollen~ and that was the most uncomfortable feeling. I went to my doctor who I will assume thinks I'm crazy because she didn't see nothing wrong with my shoulder and sent me to get x-rayed. and guess what? it didn't show anything either. Come Thursday the pain was just about unbearable so I went to imediate care and they didn't find anything either on a chest x-ray but did send me away with prescrips~~ some pain med and a muscle relaxer and I'm elighted to say the swelling seems to be gone as is the burning. I still don't know what trigged it, the er doctor thinks maybe its a nerve root in my back, I go back to my doctor on Monday for follow up and we'll have to see where it goes from here~ maybe it was a fluxe or maybe she'll order more testing. All I know is I feel alot better and thank you to everyone who prayed for me.~~~ and please keep Sue Wright in your prayers, she was my childhood Sunday school and has been diagnosed with cancer~ she played such an important part of my growing up I hate to see her suffer, but regardless of her health she is still serving God, and taking care of her family and I find that admiral~ she was and still is a great role model to many. Thank You.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hi Ladies, Wasn't Camp Joy fun? I had a good time as did my mother . There was no stopping us, regardless of the weather outside, but then again its always fun when we women come together, I gave another go at ping-pong just for the fun of it and even though I'm not really good at stamping up things I did an okay job, managed to make a few with Gerlinda's help and then others when my creativity finally kicked in. I had a great time fellowshipping with those that were near me. The ladies of Faith Baptist did a great job entertaining us and sharing their stories and as usual you don't know whether to laugh or cry. I always look forward to what might come next ~ a good time always guaranteed . just wanted to thank you all for another great year and many more to come.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Frames~ and several of them

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Just remembering
Though it's been a week already since Pastor taught about "The Message of Hope" it has been has been tucking at my heart as I recall a girlfriend back in elementary school. Then I didn't know about Salvation but I did take her to my safe place~ A non denominational church I attended and the only person I thought understood and that was my Sunday School teacher and also my teacher at Awanas'. I took her maybe a couple times on Wednesday Nights~ She was safe, cared for and had know 3 caring friends if we include our Speech teacher. At that time I didn't know how she managed to get out of her house but now being older I know God had a hand in it. Her father was a very abusive man, he didn't allow her to change clothes daily & seldom allowed her to bathe and out of fear of being beat herself~ her mother never stood up for her~ If I remember she had a brother who was taken care of a tad bit better. We had an awesome speech teacher who helped w/ providing her a place to wash, food to eat and on occasion a change of clothes. The other kids would tease her and me often. They'd tease me for being her friend, I didn't care I was taught acceptance. Her outward appearance didn't matter, she was a human being just as we were and that's what counted. This is where "hope" comes in~ after several months which seemed like eternity ~ She and her sibling were removed and taken to a better place. She would not be allowed to stay in contact, or give her new name for safety sake~ I was sad but happy that she would be safe and that was hope enough for me. The End!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
How to I lost lbs and inches.
Got ya, didn't I. The title isn't about losing body weight, but I do feel lighter. I visited Denise B. today and lets just say I indeed lost inches, not sure how many but there was lots, and lots of hair. I jokily suggested she go into the toupee making business b/c my hair would have easily made one . I don't recall the last time it was this short, if I remember right~ it has been years. You could say it took 2 attempts to get it the way I wanted. The first was good, but I had wings touching my face and it bothered me, so Denise kindly cut them away and it took nearly an hour for the whole process and I'm not joking. Why does it take so long? I tend to make cutting my hair a yearly thing. Thank You Denise for your time & patience!! and so far the children haven't told me I look like a boy and that's a good thing.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Trip
Well, we were surprised, but it wasn't to unfounded, every visit to West Virginia yields something new, and on this trip it was miniature goats. They were so cute and the standing one was a sly little fella. They were on occasion allowed to leave their yard and roam about the big yard but this particular one would crawl under the fence-needless to say he and his brother got returned to goat jail and I think it was perhaps him again, whom got really loud when Matthew offended them by calling them sheep~ you had to be there~ it was funny. I think I surprised many by going and I'm glad I did. I put in a little more physical activity than normal~ I'm a house person and well the rest of this family is outdoorsy, especially there. Amanda climbed trees, We flew kites and roamed about w/ the cows @ horses. Matthew loved those darn critters and even got us surrounded by them. I picked him up and made a beeline along a path by the fence to a picnic table until Junior came closer to them, yes I was a tad bit alarmed and at that point not exactly thrilled, but as you can see nothing happened, just another notch on the adventure belt. There are plenty more stories to share, but my assistant just arrived ( Matthew age 2) and well he likes to push buttons and I'm not taking a chance on losing this post~ so goodnight.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
A refugees story.
Hi, everyone. As you will see below, this was shared w/ me, It really touched my heart and therefore I wanted to share it w/ all of you. Take Care. Love, Kim.
I receive many e-mails from our Command Chaplain. I think of you often especially after receiving the emails. The email below is true. He really was a refugee who escaped from a European Country. He has an impressive story. Well, I hope all is well with you. Be good. Bill
I grew up in the 60s with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed plastic bags and reused them. She was the original 'recycle queen', before they had a name for it... A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones. Their marriage was good, their goal was to raise decent children, - nothing more. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. Most of their relatives have died already either in the war or during the failed revolution. We never ate in a restaurant. We could afford meat once a month, but we thought that was normal. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress , things we keep... It was a way of life, and as I got older, sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating left-overs, hand-down clothes... I wanted -- just once,-- to be wasteful! Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there would always be more. But then a colleague of mine disappeared, and my girlfriend got arrested, beaten, and raped. I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. All the time we have is now; we cannot dwell on the past, and we have no guarantees for the future. So, I left that God-forsaken country to become homeless, stateless, jobless, - a refugee. I lost my family, friends, culture, language, - everything, but I was free! Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return. So... while we have it... it's best we love it.... and care for it... and fix it when it's broken...... and heal it when it's sick. Live each day as it were the last! This is true, for marriage... and old cars.... and children with bad report cards..... and dogs with bad hips.... and aging parents..... and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.Serving you as I serve Him,Ch. A.P.S.People will forget what you said; they will forget what you did,but they will always remember how you made them feel.
I receive many e-mails from our Command Chaplain. I think of you often especially after receiving the emails. The email below is true. He really was a refugee who escaped from a European Country. He has an impressive story. Well, I hope all is well with you. Be good. Bill
I grew up in the 60s with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed plastic bags and reused them. She was the original 'recycle queen', before they had a name for it... A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones. Their marriage was good, their goal was to raise decent children, - nothing more. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. Most of their relatives have died already either in the war or during the failed revolution. We never ate in a restaurant. We could afford meat once a month, but we thought that was normal. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress , things we keep... It was a way of life, and as I got older, sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating left-overs, hand-down clothes... I wanted -- just once,-- to be wasteful! Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there would always be more. But then a colleague of mine disappeared, and my girlfriend got arrested, beaten, and raped. I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. All the time we have is now; we cannot dwell on the past, and we have no guarantees for the future. So, I left that God-forsaken country to become homeless, stateless, jobless, - a refugee. I lost my family, friends, culture, language, - everything, but I was free! Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return. So... while we have it... it's best we love it.... and care for it... and fix it when it's broken...... and heal it when it's sick. Live each day as it were the last! This is true, for marriage... and old cars.... and children with bad report cards..... and dogs with bad hips.... and aging parents..... and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.Serving you as I serve Him,Ch. A.P.S.People will forget what you said; they will forget what you did,but they will always remember how you made them feel.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Windows~~ and more Windows

Friday, March 7, 2008
Hello!! Blogging buddies. Here to tell ya things are going fair. Last week was our Ladies Conference and I'm so glad I made the decision to go~ I of course proscrinated til the last minute. A little push from my doctor and Karen spending the night~ there would of been no way out. I really liked hearing the ladies give their testimonies~and I'm so proud of Karen~ she accomplished one of her greatest fears or perhaps two~ one being public speaking and to such a large crowd and two being the crowd itself. I was happy & surprised to see the other Kim and Joann. I had the privilege of sharing a table with Kim and getting to know her better and many other ladies as well. But to tell you honestly~ I didn't know if I'd survive the whole day. I had come down w/ the flu the prior Wednesday and was taking meds on a steady schedule b/c I was determined I was going to be there. The only thing I sort of resent~ I didn't really fellowship much as I'd liked~ I had worn Karen's shoes which were a bit tight and had a heal much higher than I'm used too because the new ones I bought were more than a tad bit to big and I didn't feel very comfortable running around in just stocking feet and I was extremely tired~ only slept maybe three hrs~ Matthew ad been up & down with a stomach ache and I was having an anxiety moment~ fearing I wouldn't be up in time to bathe and get ready. You'd think given the fact I knew I needed an outfit - I would of been prepared~ but no not me~ I left that to the very last minute only to discover I'd grown in the midsection and that my nice shirts weren't exactly roomy and flowing as previous years and the only other one that would of perhaps fitted I must of loaned it to my mom b/c its missing in action. Given all these small petty things~ I was was up and ready to go in plenty of time and had a great time. Thank you to all who participated in making it a wonderful day!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Buzzard, Bat & Bumblebee
I just love receiving e-mails from anyone but those that are interesting & tend to put a different prepstective on things ~ I just have need to share. The following is from my brother:
If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.
The ordinary bat that flies around at night, are remarkably nimble creatures in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air.
A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.
PEOPLE ~In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look up.
"All good things are from above..." [James]
"All good things are from above..." [James]
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Up & Running again
I'm so excited. I've been having trouble with downloading pictures from memory chip, actual camera w/ proper cords and the like. It has been a fustrasting process. I did loose quite a few pictures in the process of trying to fix things~ I am glad on one hand for I saved many photos to discs~ but still there were others I didn't. I'll have to ask of those who had copies also. Anyway, I'm happy to report after rebooting, and re~installing different programs its up and running again. So I'll get to share pictures again~ yeah!!! Here are a few that I had planned to share back in Januarary~ but given computer problems~ now is a good time as ever. 
Amanda & I at Round~up Sunday.
Paige & Matthew also @ round-up Sunday.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Breaking news!!
There was a situation over the weekend concerning Bob Preston, that would be my mother's boyfriend. He was really sick, had all the works done to him, you know the tubes, put into a sleep and placed into ICU and etc. Things weren't at that time looking good. Well today is a new day! and I couldn't be happier for him. He was taken off the ventilator and got to eat- and will hopefully be moved soon to immediate care. I haven't been to see him~ I have a cold and besides only mom and immediate family were aloud in too see him- I've done what I could I called my extended family- I had them pray as well as myself. Why did I call the extended family? Bob spends alot of his time w/ us at family functions and is considered one of us. We will & have had our differences , but I'm so relieved he is doing better. Please pray for him~ as he will be in the hospital for a few more days. Thank you!
Monday, February 4, 2008
New exciting changes

Its official I now have a new sister-in-law (Jane). and back in December She and my Brother Bill had a baby boy ( Paul Bennett) . I'm so happy for them and excited too that they gave the baby a family name- We had a wonderful fun loving uncle named Paul Bennett as well as a cousin with the same name and we lost them both over over the course of a couple of years~ so its indeed a special name. What I'm looking forward to is meeting them this summer. My brother is in the Navy- currently in Guam and come July they will be moving back to Illinois w/ him stationed out of Great Lakes. Great News! its only been about 3 years since we saw him last. I'll post pictures at a later time~ thats after I go copy them of his My Space. So what else is new?
I've just completed another two weeks of group therapy~ made a couple of medicine adjustments, and have started a new photo album ~ Its going to be my encouraging album~ An album w/ people who've made an impact in my life at one time or another~ and an accompaning poem that I've penned. Remember the Anniversary Picture taken at church? I used that pic as well as a copy from my Ist time at Camp Joy with my poem on "Friends". So far its turning out nice! The therapists and my doctor loved the idea.! Though not the greatest of pictures~ I plan on using those of me speaking @ church about Camp Joy- as a visual that I did overcome -& conquered that fear for that time being.
Well thats about it~ just wanted to update~ and tell everyone Hi and I'm doing okay.
Friday, January 18, 2008
A wonderful scene

Saturday, January 5, 2008
The mystery is over.
As some of you know, I've been having some heal pain in my left
for sometime~ the question most often asked Was did you hit it, step on something? and etc. Of course being the difficult one that I can sometimes be I didn't consult the doctor til the pain worsened and didn't take pain meds neither. Well worse came to worse til I began slightly limping and the pain was consistent both night & day. Today was the day that I finally got an answer! It was a bone spur as some of you had speculated & YES I did receive the cortisone shot~ Thanks to many of you who had warned me. What I wasn't prepared for ~ was the pain associated with it. I had a really cool doctor w/ a great sense of humor~ only rule not to kick him
would have be quite difficult considering he had a good grip~ so I screamed loud with the accompanying ouch and begging for him to stop~ my lovely little Amanda thought it was funny~ making a sign teasing me w/ ha, ha times two. All was good and fun til the shot wore off about an hour later. For the time being I have foot exercises I need to do twice daily, wear temporary orthopedic in-soles, and take a prescription pain med twice daily as well. That I'm not crazy about and will take it only as needed~ I mean I did deal w/ some discomfort for the months leading up til now ~ so I have become some what tolerant to the associated symptoms. The other cool thing besides having a good doctor, was getting my feet fitted for the permanent in-soles with warm plaster which I'll get in 3 -4 weeks time. Please pray I do all that is recommended to get back on my feet
. and yes for the time being I feel alright, still limping a tad bit but with a little more comfort~ the pain med is kicking in.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A Christian poem
A flower of God's design,
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I,
The flower God opens so sweetly,
In my hands would fade and die.
I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust Him for His leading
Each moment of every day
And I'll look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
For the pathway that lies before me
My heavenly Father knows
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments
( I happened to find this and several others @ http://www.maxpages.com/heavenlyplace/Inspirational_Sayings. They have a great assortment of different christian stuff. I liked this poem though. I'd just thought I'd share.)
Jackie's 14th Birthday
keeps it for a certain length of time and passes it on.) With the money, she picked out a really, really nice digital camera in green-can do all kinds of cool things right there at her finger tips. I think everyone had a good time and we enjoyed having them. So to all who played a part in making her birthday special. A big, big Thank You.
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