Its official I now have a new sister-in-law (Jane). and back in December She and my Brother Bill had a baby boy ( Paul Bennett) . I'm so happy for them and excited too that they gave the baby a family name- We had a wonderful fun loving uncle named Paul Bennett as well as a cousin with the same name and we lost them both over over the course of a couple of years~ so its indeed a special name. What I'm looking forward to is meeting them this summer. My brother is in the Navy- currently in Guam and come July they will be moving back to Illinois w/ him stationed out of Great Lakes. Great News! its only been about 3 years since we saw him last. I'll post pictures at a later time~ thats after I go copy them of his My Space. So what else is new?
I've just completed another two weeks of group therapy~ made a couple of medicine adjustments, and have started a new photo album ~ Its going to be my encouraging album~ An album w/ people who've made an impact in my life at one time or another~ and an accompaning poem that I've penned. Remember the Anniversary Picture taken at church? I used that pic as well as a copy from my Ist time at Camp Joy with my poem on "Friends". So far its turning out nice! The therapists and my doctor loved the idea.! Though not the greatest of pictures~ I plan on using those of me speaking @ church about Camp Joy- as a visual that I did overcome -& conquered that fear for that time being.
Well thats about it~ just wanted to update~ and tell everyone Hi and I'm doing okay.
Good to hear, Kim. Sounds like things are going well.
That is so wonderful that you are doing something special to encourage yourself! It is good news about your brother; congrats.
I love how you keep getting up and moving forward! The album sounds like a great idea.
What a fabulous idea! I hope this means that you will be coming to Camp Joy with us again so that we can take more pictures of you having fun!
I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. Sorry about lossing power the other night. Maybe we can try that again soon. Welcome back Kim.
I love you Kim, your album will be great,(I saw parts of it already) your good at things like that, keep up the good works,
WTG for Billy,Jane, and baby Paul, can't wait to see them too,
And YES you have to go to Camp Joy with the Ladies this year... I need my Buddy with me, Still Love Ya Kiddo, HUGS
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