We had a escapee this week, who required a search party, a warden and even had to post bail!!. I'm talking about Duchess who was set free by none other than Matthew. He tried to tell us in what direction the pup had gone, and Amanda & I searched in the very little time we had. I resumed the search for about another hour or so, but no luck, so I called in the neighbors help who didn't have any luck either. The reason being, the dog went much further than any dog we have ever owned. Where I had limited my search to the big field that's close by and a few select neighbors, she was covering blocks east of here. I assumed she would return within a few hours and said a prayer for her and God did answer that prayer. I asked that she be safe and to return home , which she did. A good samartian found her and called the dog catcher b/c she doesn't yet have tags. Matt and I went and bailed her out mid afternoon and he was so happy! to have his pup home and kept watch over her for several hours and will continue telling us that tale about the day the doggie went bye-bye months from now! Lets just say we learned a lesson too, always keep the screen door locked.
I'm glad you were able to get your doggie. A word of advice boys love locks and they can figure those out very quickly. Like the time Nathan locked me out of the house when I went to retrive groceries from the car and my keys sat on the counter inside that locked house! The joys of motherhood; trying to outsmart your children. LOL
Scary, glad for the happy ending.
What an event!
WOW Bail for dogs. LOL
This is way too funny Kim! I can just picture Matthew.... ;)
Glad shes back too, and that you prayed for her as well, we all need that!
P.S. Love that picture !!!
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