center~ flowers I got 4 my birthday
right~ Matt& I after sharing a joint party together.
Hi everyone, thought I should take time to update b/c its been a while. Over the course of the last few weeks I've been to therapy for my knee and still going. In the beginning I had too to go twice a week but b/c I'm doing so well they let me skip one week and are requiring me to go once a week. I have noticed buying new shoes and watching my posture has made a big difference and perhaps losing quite a few lbs has contributed to it also.
Matthew & I celebrated our birthdays together, I turned the big 40 & Matthew turned 3. We both got some really nice gifts and it was nice to have the family and some dear friends over,
Theresa Ho came with her family, my dear friend Joanie came to surprise me~she recently moved out of town and Ron Ahrens came w/ his step son. I rarely see any of them anymore so it was a very special day.
And perhaps the greatest news, My brother has safely made it home and will be stationed at Great Lakes and I got to meet my new sister-in-law and my new nephew. She was really nice and the baby ( 7 months old) was just a really happy boy. They have never been to the states and I hope they adjust well to this new climate~ she has never seen snow and time will tell, He will be here for the next three years at least. I look forward to getting to know her a little better.
I've also been busy w/ other things, I went to closing day @ Camp Maverick. Special thanks to Renee Baker for driving us in my van, It was nice to get to know her a little better, and that place is really quite awesome w/ all the animal heads mounted and it was a really good sermon preached that day as well. I'm so glad I went. I also took my children to the Naperville River Walk~ every year is a different theme and this year dealt w/ garden things,
frogs and butterflies mainly. took some pictures but didn't like the way most turned out on the digital I was using, good thing I took a disposal camera ~ now to find it and get it developed.
well thats about it, so good night and have a wonderful week.
Happy 40th! Wow, that's a real milestone. All the best - the best is yet to come!
Glad you and Matt had a wonderful birthday gathering and wished we could of been there, Love you all.
I'm glad you had a nice birthday. I hop you have a great time the rest of the summer.
Glad you both enjoyed your birthdays.
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