What an honor it was to work in the nursery during Monday nights spring conference. I had fun and the little ones kept us quite busy,no wonder its takes 2 or more ladies to keep order.
Maria had her hands full taking
care of Jackson & Nate.
Here is Connor getting a lift from Donna
to get a better view of the action.
to get a better view of the action.
Angelina & Nathan taking a break.
the drum.
Hannah just standing there.
Paige & Charles seem to be
in deep conversation.
Skyla w/ Connor.
( she came in to relief us. )
P.S. I know some of these pictures aren't that good but I'm still trying to figure out my camera after a year and I would like to say Maria was a real trooper taking care of the babies she wasn't feeling well.
I thank God for the Nursery Workers. Thank you for being devoted to your ministry! I love the pictures.
Thanks for serving Kim!
Cute pics!! The nursery is a busy place. Praise the Lord.
Good pics my friend, its nice to be in there, the pics make the room seem quiet, hahaha, Love you my buddy, (((((HUGS))))).
Helloo Kim Dear:-)
The pics are cute!
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