That was a long trip to Missouri from Arkansas. It has been years since I been down this far into Missouri and I don't recall back then these roads being this hilly or curvy. ( the major factors why I don't drive in WV). and I was driving!!! It was scary but manageable and worth the trip to see the family. We stayed 1 night 2 partial days and lots of things happened w/in this short time. The big issue was were to sleep ( they made room for us & it's hot- hot in their house) and normally we would stay in a hotel. Would you believe there was not a room available for Sikeston was the host of the " Red Neck Cook- Off " (lol) It's true as funny as it sounds. There was good & bad in this vacation. The good - we went to the cemetery and visited our loved ones & I thanked my Aunt Wanda/Jackie found some nice blouses for church at the outlet mall and the children had fun playing with their cousins. The bad - my Aunt Ann temporally stooped breathing & nearly passed out . She Quickly came to after her friend hit her in the back a couple times. For safety precautions she went to the hospital by ambulance and was found to have pneumonia. She was released within 2 hrs and given meds and orders to rest a few days. I thank GOD it wasn't something more serious for she has lots of health issues and they take care of their great grand kids who live w/ them. We also had a good laugh though, We were trying to figure out a way to get rid of My Uncle's new dog b/c it wouldn't stop barking and was scaring my son. ( not a dog to have around children) . It only calmed down when said "uncle" was present and giving it some attention. It was a good visit and not nearly as crazy as it usually is.
I'm glad your Aunt was okay. It was nice that you were able to visit with your family.
Glad it was a good visit Kim.
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