This will be my last post for anywhere from 2 -7 days. My family & I are going out of town for vacation - just like we do every year. But this year I'm happy to report I'll get to be in my home Church for this Special Day ( The 1st in our 5 yrs. @ Grace Baptist). Our Destination? Arkansas!! We've going to be staying with my sister Angie Bosley & her family and I'm looking forward to seeing her. Its going to be an adventure for the whole family because none of us have ever been to Arkansas and that's exciting in itself. My husband also is hoping that we have time to stop in and see my family in Missouri which could prove to be fun because they won't even be expecting us. We have sort of developed a habit of visiting them every 4-5 years and this possible trip would be the 2nd in under two years. I can just imagine the surprised look on their faces!!. It will be great. So until we speak again Have a Great Week and God Bless You.
I hope you have a great trip and I'll be praying for travel mercies for you. Happy Easter!
I hope you will have a great trip and enjoyable time with your families. Happy Easter!
It was great to have you "home" for Easter, I pray that you have a wonderful time with your sister and family!
Hope your trip was a good one for you and your whole family, God Bless you all and Happy Easter too, (((((HUGS)))))
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