We had a really nice visit with my sister Angie & her family. It was full of activities as well .Monday was our 1st day there and our busiest!! We did an assortment of things, and it was even nicer that she let the boys skip school the two days we were there. We as a group went shopping - Are you ready for this? A big mall that almost seemed deserted. It was so quiet you could of heard a pin drop or even ran around blind folded and still hit no one. We couldn't even imagine that around here on a slow day. We also took in a -school play- "Stone Soup" (Bryce) the 2nd grade classes did an outstanding job performing this number. Saw a - baseball game- Austin's team won the first game of the season. Isn't that allot for one night? I know I had no problems at all following to sleep. I cooked dinner!! Tuesday night which everyone seemed to enjoy and I hate to cook especially on an electric stove. Played a game of UNO and won against 3 others and that rarely ever happens and the children got to go bowling and I got to enjoy a big silent house all to myself well not completely I had Disco & B.J. the rat terrier pups to keep me company. They were so adorable & funny and Matthew loved playing with them as much as we all did. I was highly tempted to bring them home but didn't want to leave the Bosley Family feeling sad.

How fun you got to share in the boys activities. I bet you are a great cook! It sounds like all of you had a good time.
I'm glad that you had such a great time with your family.
I'm Glad You Back, HUGS, LOL
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