Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I'm sorry to say that I forgot one very important letter T word -- that we are very thankful for .................


may we all pay TRIBUTE to these brave soldiers who are serving and

protecting AMERICA.


JeanMac said...

That was so sweet of you to honor the women/men who serve. When we were holidaying in the states last Oct/Nov., we met troops freshly back from Iraq. I gave one guy a hug and said thanks and told him to thank any buddys he knows- he said, "I'll do it right now" and got on his computer and sent an email right there. He said some Crazy Canucks were wishing them safety! Thought that was so sweet.

Trish said...

Thanks for adding this to the list! We should all be VERY thankful for our troops, past and present.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Amen, thanks for remember them.