Thursday, May 10, 2007

7 random things

This was something Kina tagged us with a while ago, and I see that piratically everyone has responded, so here goes the 7 things you might not know about me.

1. I have never flown. ( too many horror stories and too many airplane movies)

2. I went to 1st Baptist Church of Hammond when I was little- when I lived in Chicago but didn't get saved then.

3. After my marriage in 1991, I lost my dad, I got burned by an oven accident, and had my appendix removed ( all this in 2 months and I'm still married!!)

4. I wrote poetry when I was a young adult ( I plan to share them, one day)

5. I am quick w/ the temper ( only in some cases)

6. I worry & complain about almost everything
( I'm getting better at not worrying about so much)

7. I met my hubby in a tavern in Lyons in 1990 while looking for my dad.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Thanks for sharing these things with us!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I am getting to know you a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

Your marriage was meant to be :)
Thanks for sharing!