Monday, May 21, 2007

Can I buy a vowel?

Okay I'm being silly again, for some reason Or another I wanted to do the letter O for this weeks letter. so here goes!!!

Our Savior- Jesus Christ
mount of Olives
Old Testament
Alfa and Omega
O'lear family
OFFICERS- in all fields
Occasions - reasons to get together and usually celebrate
observation - we learn lots by observing others

Owls are adorable.

Octopuses- I wish sometimes I had that many arms.


Opinions - the good & bad.

Odes- nice little poems

obituaries - though sad they are very informative

odors- pleasant ones of course.

Organs- make beautiful music

Organs-- bodily ones

Obstetricians- they do deliver some adorable babies

Orthodontist- Dr. Moravac is the best!!

Optometrist- eye glasses anyone?

Oranges- not only yummy-but a nice color

October- weather is just right.

Ohio-- Home state of Pastor Dave.

There you have it~~ I believe I went a little overboard but Jackie was helping me or I would not have gotten so carried away.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Great list!

Mrs Karen G said...

Letters and letters Ohhh my, LOL, wtg

Anonymous said...

Love the list ~ you think of some great things.

Kris's Korner said...

YOU ARE NUTS!!!!How can anyone come up with that many "O's. I love you Girl.