Friday, May 11, 2007

The six newest questions.

Well we've been tagged again, this time by Mrs. Julie and you know me I couldn't resist the urge to respond to questions no matter how hard they seem to be.

1. What was your most embarrassing moment? When I vomited all over the eye doctor's bathroom here in town several years ago. I didn't feel well and went looking for the restroom which I found a little too late. ( right room, wrong target) ( I still feel embarrassed when I go there)

2. When you go to heaven some day, what is one question you would like to ask God? I never thought about it, I figured it would be God asking the questions and me giving the answers.

3. What is your favorite color? Blue

4. What is your favorite food? I love McMuffins,and steak tacos, okay I admit it, I like steak the best of all food.

5. What do you admire most about your husband? His gentleness and Patience.

6. What is your biggest fear or phobia? That my children will turn out like me, and live a life with depression.


Anonymous said...

Good answers Kim! Thanks for telling us about YOU!

Anonymous said...

I am really liking this tag thing as we are getting to know each other better. I like your answers, steak is another one of my favorites too.

Mrs Karen G said...

Awww, I like your answers, I Love You, HUGS

Kris's Korner said...

It's always nice to get to know you better. We will have to have you guys over for steak.