Bryce~ the patrol officer
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
C as in cute
Commander-in- Chief
Connor, Collin, Carter, Cameron, Charles Ho~~ cute children
Chynna, Cherie Woltz, Cheryl Kennelly, Cheryl O'lear, Cindy Evans, Cindy Pearce, Cindy Garbowicz, Christine T.
Chirstine Burger ~ sister-in-law, Carrie V~ our niece, Clifford Slone~ our uncle
Charlie Gross, Clifford Siok , Craig Arnold,
cousins, chefs, cooks, counselors, clowns, coaches,
Christian & Country Music
Chicken, chicken noodle soup, cereal~ Kellogg's, condiments~ mustard, ketchup, mayo, relish.
cream cheese ,cheddar cheese, chocolate cake. (see below for food slide show not shown here)
ice cream cones
confessions, compassion, cooperation, company & conversation.
baby chics, chickens, cows & calfs.
Comfort~~~ Couch, chair, cushions & bed covers to keep us warm.
coupons, pay checks, clocks, & cleaning supplies. Computer.
I'm done with C's as you can see, but check below for that tasty looking slide show. I'm sure there's more that you can choose, use the children for some clues. ( Calling It a Good Night)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Great Reading

2. Songs of Glory~ stories of 300 great hyms & gospel songs~ by William J. Reynolds. ( absolutely fascinating.)
When I came across this second book, I was actually looking for the version I've seen in several of your homes but had no luck, so if you could help me out with title and author ? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!!
I have not only been learning exciting things from books, but from family trees. I learned that a Mary Alice ~ an Indian had married a Slone ancestor back in the 1700's whom after bearing several children and living til a ripe age was found dead without her head. Believed to be the result of her disloyality to her own people. I also learned that my hubby has many more uncles and aunts than I orignally thought, While I've met some of them~~ many others are deceased. ~~ I find all this exciting and had it not been for my Hubby sending me to search a different site I would of never gotten here.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
FUN !!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
To all my friends
Monday, May 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom!!
At the races
Can I buy a vowel?
Owls are adorable.
Octopuses- I wish sometimes I had that many arms.
Opinions - the good & bad.
Odes- nice little poems
obituaries - though sad they are very informative
odors- pleasant ones of course.
Organs- make beautiful music
Organs-- bodily ones
Obstetricians- they do deliver some adorable babies
Orthodontist- Dr. Moravac is the best!!
Optometrist- eye glasses anyone?
Oranges- not only yummy-but a nice color
October- weather is just right.
Ohio-- Home state of Pastor Dave.
There you have it~~ I believe I went a little overboard but Jackie was helping me or I would not have gotten so carried away.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Days gone by....
Well Since I'm on the topic of last week, I figured it would be nice to update you on the matter of Jackie's ankle. It has healed but is still very week. She had the choice or should I say I made the decision for her. We opted for at home exercise to make said ankle stronger~~ because I wasn't about to drive to Naperville several times a week for therapy when she could do the same things at home. Please continue to pray for her~~she will still need to wear the leg brace for another six weeks and do the exercises to strengthen the ankle before the doctor will release her to try out for next years sports teams. Thank You.
I've made some changes
Friday, May 18, 2007
2. Dress Up !! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
5. Look Up !!... To the Lord. "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
6. Reach Up !!... For something higher. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
7. Lift Up !!... Your Prayers. "Do not worry about anything; Instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING." Philippians 4:6
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
I forgot some K's
Kina~~~ She is just so kind and sweet.
Karen S~~ A very kind and gracious women.
Katie P~~ my niece
It appears that Matthew
Is it a stick and well? yes!!
but Matthew used them as microphones
NOTHING will stop this child from singing
his favorite hymn! PRAISE THE LORD.
Backyard pond @ my brother's
Anyone up for some wading or fishing? I'm only joking
I don't think my brother James would care for that !!
Matthew loved it and he kept my mom and I plenty busy.
The 11th letter is .......K
This weeks letter is bought to you by Kim and Kris T. and what fun it will be. I'm thankful for:
King- The one and only who rules the Kingdom of heaven and earth.
Kennelly Family & ... Kuipers Family &...... Kathryn Grosse
kaleidoscopes- lots of fun
Friday, May 11, 2007
The six newest questions.
1. What was your most embarrassing moment? When I vomited all over the eye doctor's bathroom here in town several years ago. I didn't feel well and went looking for the restroom which I found a little too late. ( right room, wrong target) ( I still feel embarrassed when I go there)
2. When you go to heaven some day, what is one question you would like to ask God? I never thought about it, I figured it would be God asking the questions and me giving the answers.
3. What is your favorite color? Blue
4. What is your favorite food? I love McMuffins,and steak tacos, okay I admit it, I like steak the best of all food.
5. What do you admire most about your husband? His gentleness and Patience.
6. What is your biggest fear or phobia? That my children will turn out like me, and live a life with depression.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
7 random things
1. I have never flown. ( too many horror stories and too many airplane movies)
2. I went to 1st Baptist Church of Hammond when I was little- when I lived in Chicago but didn't get saved then.
3. After my marriage in 1991, I lost my dad, I got burned by an oven accident, and had my appendix removed ( all this in 2 months and I'm still married!!)
4. I wrote poetry when I was a young adult ( I plan to share them, one day)
5. I am quick w/ the temper ( only in some cases)
6. I worry & complain about almost everything
( I'm getting better at not worrying about so much)
7. I met my hubby in a tavern in Lyons in 1990 while looking for my dad.
Sunday, May 6, 2007

and is brought to you by Amanda who had to choose a random number, so here is our thankful list:

and lastly the Violin- I like the music it makes.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
You are a Believer |
![]() |
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Your scores: -Talent: 38%Lifer: 51%Mandarin: 62% Take the Talent, Lifer, or Mandarin quiz
I got this goofy quiz off of Karen (Kare Bear)'s blog and thought it was right on target. I must confess I did it several times but it still comes back to this. While I do believe education is very important, I also believe in having and maintaining a relationship with God and having a prayer life. I might have worked hard- to get where I am but it was by the Lord's Grace and the support of a large family that I made it this far.