Saturday, March 31, 2007
It's worth the mess
Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007
The little flirt

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Guessing Game?

One is acting goofy while the other one has a big grin.
( Forgive me b/c it gave me the giggles!!!)
Monday, March 26, 2007
God: He supplies me with everything I need.
Grace: what keeps me calm and moving forward
Grace Baptist: my place of worship
Grandparents: for their unconditional love
Girls: Jackie and Amanda are great big sisters
to Matthew and have gorgeous red hair.
Grosse Family: a great group of people
Good News Club: an after school program that brings the Gospel to
grade school children.
Green: Jackie's favorite color
Gum: a refreshing chewable treat
Gifts: salvation, love, family & friendship
Grins: they warm my heart
Giggles: they are contagious and always cheer me up
Gas: without it we wouldn't travel by car nor be able
to cook yummy foods.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The wonderful truths.

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yesterday was an interesting & fun day playing at the Todd's house. There in total were 5 children all under 3yrs old. Justin was the oldest & entertained himself playing w/ cars. Paige, Matthew & Hannah were all over the place playing & Kris and I took turns holding Jackson. It seems like it's been forever since I held a baby. After lunch which was McNuggets & fries Matthew got really cranky. & he is almost near impossible to figure out at this tired stage. In the beginning he was fine w/ me holding Jackson, but now the green eyed monster appeared. & he also refused to climb the stairs & normally he wants to do it himself. BOY!!!!! did he scream & wail after I sat him down & went back downstairs to get Jackson. While in the basement moments before Paige & Matthew Started an all out crying spree, Matthew knocked over a toy bin & it fell. No one got hurt but it scared them silly . They were SCREAMING w/ tears & Jackson must of felt left out cause he started crying too. Hannah didn't even flinch nor did Justin. I just found this WONDERFUL day to be absolutely HYSTERICAL & Paige did the cutest thing whenever I said anything to her she'd stop and cover her face just briefly. & in case your wondering Matthew fell asleep w/in a few minutes of our departure. It's evening & I'm off again w/ Kris this time childless. THANK GOD for daddies who are willing to keep their children while we have a girls night out. It was a GREAT time of fellowship and fun. Today was also a great day !!! I started doing some deep cleaning & accomplished allot. I don't know who or what is the culprit behind this, BUT I KNOW my husband was in total disbelief.
Friday, March 23, 2007
My dad's family

Thursday, March 22, 2007
I gave this some thought, didn't want to repeat to much of others. Though I am
thankful for many of the same things.
PASTOR & PREACHING He is the greatest & always does an outstanding job delivering his message & I love the way he explains things that I can understand.
PASTOR'S WIFE She is just wonderful, I always look forward to seeing & hearing her speak
PRAYER LIFE I'm so happy that I have a relationship w/ GOD.
PEOPLE all sizes & varieties they help keep me on track.
POTATOES The Slone family likes them any way they come.
PEPPER My favorite spice
PEPSI Another all time favorite
PASTA Matthew loves his noodles,& pasta salad is yummy!!!!
PUMBA My sister-in-laws cat, she never fails to entertain us.
PHOTOS I Love looking at pictures& reminiscing.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
What a wonderful day.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I PRAISE,PRAISE, PRAISE the LORD for his many answered prayers today.
1. for getting me through this crazy hetic day.( I would've quit easily.)
2. Jackie's broken ankle didn't require a cast, but she does have to wear a leg/ankle brace but one she can walk w/.
3. She won't have to use the crutches too much, ( she was quite frankly scaring me & did'nt like using them like she was taught).
4. Mickey fixed our car again ( twice in 1 wk. he is such a nice man but I don't want the 3rd time to be a charm).
5. Matthew finally decided to eat something & that was his dinner.( can't hardly get him to eat too often but his favorite never fails. salisbury steak w/ rice.)
thanks to you all for letting me share my day. It's late & I need to go to sleep. so now I bid you a farewell.