Yeah!! I didn't have to take anyone anywhere today. I was beginning to think I was going to have to order a sign that says " Kim's taxi service". Don't get me wrong~ I love helping others but there comes a time in ones life where we just need a brief break- only downfall of not needing to take someone someplace is I miss seeing them. I rarely see my one friend-but saw her practically everyday for a little over a week because I was taking her back & forth to Silver Cross Hospital to visit her hubby- who is finally at home. I'm positive we are all relieved for that blessing. - though I do miss her. I'm going to miss our little friend Autumn as well~ I picked her up Monday night and she went home today. She is such a well mannered and delightful child and we just love her company. But aren't we all like that? We're happy to get away a few days but then for long for home. I believe she'll return soon~ because she knows our door is always open. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was so looking forward to seeing my little brother and meeting his new wife this month or next, but due to some minor technicalities w/ lots of paper work neither will happen. The wedding has been briefly post-poned until sometime in the fall- and you can't blame the guy for not wanting to leave his fiancee back in Guam for ten days. It'll be two years this July since his last visit and if we must wait, then we will. All that counts is that each of us know our family members love us- and we're just a phone-call away.
So til then- stay safe- and always remember someone loves you.!!
Hi Kim, I'm so sorry that your brother is not able to come home! That was nice of you to keep Autumn all week, she is a sweet girl, just like your girls! Have a great day! Love, Julie
Sorry about your brother but fall will be here before you know it. It was so nice of you to help your friend see her husand ~ I'm glad you had a day at home today.
I am sorry it is not working out to see your brother. It is so nice you are helping so many people.
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