Thursday, June 28, 2007
Yeah, I'm done!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Family is......

the length of 4-ever because even after til death do we part, we'll
Monday, June 18, 2007
letter of the week

is for REDEEMER - our Jesus who died for us.
for repentance, resurrection, and righteousness.
for remembering our families - past & present
and those times that came an reconciliation.

The Ray family (my maiden name) and all the relatives that I've gained.reunions that can be so much fun- for watching rainbows after it's rained for Roy my father-in law and recalling those moments we once shared.for all our friends- Rachel, Ron, Rose & Renee . For critters like the raccoon and reindeer-and ravolli that we enjoy eating.
Thank you for Reading, and the time to relax. Hope you all enjoy a good nights rest.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
lots of news!


I was so looking forward to seeing my little brother and meeting his new wife this month or next, but due to some minor technicalities w/ lots of paper work neither will happen. The wedding has been briefly post-poned until sometime in the fall- and you can't blame the guy for not wanting to leave his fiancee back in Guam for ten days. It'll be two years this July since his last visit and if we must wait, then we will. All that counts is that each of us know our family members love us- and we're just a phone-call away.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Tag- We are all it!
1. I've learned to be content and thankful for all that God has provided me.
2. I've learned to be more obedient, and submissive toward my husband( hard work!! and its something I continue to learn.)
3. I've learned the Bible can be a very interesting and helpful resource in our daily lives.
4. I've learned that God will never forsake me, even in my time of trial and doubt.
5. I've learned I can't change others, but I can change me. ( another non-stop lesson)
6. I've learned that life lessons from long ago, were only to prepare me for my role as a wife and a mother.
7. I've learned that one can not judge people by first impressions, but by one's heart. ( I have many dear friends who are a great encouragement to me ~ whom I would have never imagined being a part of my life.)
8. ( freebie) I've learned that the more I let my children be- who they are the more they are wiling to help me.
So thank you God, Pastor Dave & Mrs. Julie for 5 great years @ GBC and all the work you do in preparing us these wonderful lessons, and I look forward to many more . Love, Kim
Sunday, June 10, 2007

xylophone~ what a neat instrument!

yearly outings
year books
youthful personalities
young people

Watching the Zebra at the Zoo.
Well, there you have it. short and simple and I've even kept my word, choosing to do the letter of the week. so to all of you ~ have a great day.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Word of the Week
Monday, June 4, 2007
The Surpise !