Monday, September 29, 2008

Homecoming / Freshman year.

Jackie above & below w/ her new do Doesn't she have a beautiful smile?great dress, great hair & a beautiful smile

I have to brag about how beautiful Jackie looked before I get to the actual posting, She was just stunning in her new dress w/ this hairdo all compliments of Grandma (Nana) . My mom went all out for Jackie's 1st homecoming dance and I'm so thankful for the bond they share.

I'm excited for Jackie, b/c she'd struggled some all through out elementary and Jr high years, and didn't make friends easily. Her & the girl friends she was reunited w/ have been busy, w/ going to the powder puff football game, the big dance and getting involved w/ clubs at school, she liked student council last year and is currently serving on freshman council, she hopes to play soft ball in the spring. Another reason I'm excited, she's involved and taking opportunities as they come.

Keep up the good work Jackie, I'm proud of you and love you.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anniversary Sunday

For all the aches and pains I feel tonight, today was well worth it and I wouldn't of changed a thing and staying with the theme of 7, I've listed 7 reasons why today was so good.........

1. Celebrating 7 years w/ Pastor Dave and the Fink Family
2. The message/ sermon on "Blind spots". ( I love learning new things).
3. The many talents of the Vorgin Family. ( from the bells to the singing to the musical chalk talk ~my 1st~ never knew anything like it existed) Thank you!! Vorgin Family.
4. Being used by God to assist a friend ( Janet)
5. great music ( to everyone in the choirs, and singing groups you were great & thank you)
6. making new friends, fellowshipping w/ the old ones and my family too.
7. excellent food . ( we're Baptist, do I need to say more?)

Congratulations Pastor Dave and Happy Anniversary!! You are the Best!!

Anniversary Picnic

Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting to know you...

I was tagged by Kris and now if you want to share about you, feel free to do so...

1. What is your favorite color?
I'd have to say blues & shades of brown
2. What you wanted to be when you grew up?'
a. there was a variety but the top are below....
b. a nurse, or caregiver to all the children I felt were unloved in my neighborhood.
c . an accountant
3. Your Favorite Food?
4. How do you relax?
do sudoku puzzles, & if at all possible find a quiet place to close my eyes, and in some rare occasions clean.
5. If you won a million dollars what would you do?
pay off bills, educational expenses for children, move to a bigger house , take a once in a lifetime vacation.
6. Things I enjoy.. naps, spending time w/ family, puzzles, photography
7. What kind of formal education did you receive?
high school graduate
8. How many siblings do you have?
1 sister 2 brothers
What is the most important thing that has ever happened to you?
my adoption by my dad, marriage, having kids, day I got saved, and the many summers I was fortunate enough to spend w/ grandparents.
10. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
I can't pick just one
11. What is your life verse? I don't if they are life verses, but two that help me through are...
Ecclesiastes3 :1 " To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" and Luke 1:37 " For with God nothing shall be impossible."
I think I might possibly post this also on ( My Space) and see if any one responds there., good night.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This & That

Its only Tuesday ~ and a what week it has been. On Sunday we had the Todd and Grosse families over for an early dinner and for the annual Founders Day Parade~ and the best part we had front row seats~ it passes our house every year. It wasn't nearly as nice as last year, but still it was a good parade and perhaps the best part was spending the afternoon with friends. ( see photobucket post below). Matthews' favorite was of course the fire trucks, ( which he calls Sam from watching an old show Fireman Sam) I always enjoy the marching bands and the Jesse White tumblers while the children prefer to collect candy.

Then on Monday the girls stayed home from school for different reasons, and believe me it was a long day. Matthew got up at 4:30 am ( b/c he went to bed @ 6:00pm Sunday.), Jr was worn out and needed his rest, and someone ~ that would be me~ had to get Jackie to the doctor first thing to be looked at for some stomach pains she had been experiencing, then we were off to Quest for blood/ urine work to determine if she had an infection ( appendix perhaps), and that only made the day longer b/c she wasn't allowed to eat anything besides soup and liquids and I had to watch to make sure she didn't get solids. which brings me to today.......

Good news.......... She doesn't have an infection~ I won't have to sit through another appendix surgery nor have to worry about a sitter. We still aren't sure what the culprit is but the doctor recommended an over the counter medicine and that seemed to help alot, Amanda seems to be feeling better too w/ the aide of an antibiotics. and tomorrow they will return to school~ I'm relieved and thankful too~ God gave me the strength, the guidance I needed, and an answered payer for the well being of my children.

Founders day parade

Thursday, September 18, 2008


We had a escapee this week, who required a search party, a warden and even had to post bail!!. I'm talking about Duchess who was set free by none other than Matthew. He tried to tell us in what direction the pup had gone, and Amanda & I searched in the very little time we had. I resumed the search for about another hour or so, but no luck, so I called in the neighbors help who didn't have any luck either. The reason being, the dog went much further than any dog we have ever owned. Where I had limited my search to the big field that's close by and a few select neighbors, she was covering blocks east of here. I assumed she would return within a few hours and said a prayer for her and God did answer that prayer. I asked that she be safe and to return home , which she did. A good samartian found her and called the dog catcher b/c she doesn't yet have tags. Matt and I went and bailed her out mid afternoon and he was so happy! to have his pup home and kept watch over her for several hours and will continue telling us that tale about the day the doggie went bye-bye months from now! Lets just say we learned a lesson too, always keep the screen door locked.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Enjoying time w/ others

It only took eight almost nine months for my husband to take me out and away as he had promised but the important thing is it finally happened. We stayed at the Embassy suites in Lombard and it was nice, there was a little river/creek whatever you call it running through the middle of the reception area complete w/ a fountain, waterfall and real fish~ cool!. we enjoyed a quiet lunch & dinner out and spending time together, as my mother watched my children. They had a fun day @ the zoo with their Nana and my brother Bill's family and got to see the new baby giraffe & in the evening got to bake cakes for the cake parade at church.

We really have been busy enjoying family this last month. We've spent several evenings at my brother-in-law's house getting to watch the romeo fest fire works, and just celebrated his and his wives 20Th wedding anniversary~ that was lots of fun. Last weekend we went to his sisters for a Labor Day gathering & Matt's kiddie version of bags came in real handy, he's already got a strong arm and good aim & in no time at all he'll be ready for the bigger boards.

This summer also bought time w/ other family members which I haven't seen in a couple years. My cousin hosted a gathering which was extra special b/c I got to spend time w/him, my mom & both my brothers & all their families. Which brings me to another special day & that would be.....

Today. It was great seeing, hearing, & spending time w/ friends. Everyone looked really nice, and that song" Chocolate Fever" was out of this world, though I didn't indulge in any, but considering it was a friendship tea, well let's just say I had more than enough and I'm surprised my bladder held. The skit the ladies did was really fantastic which I'm not surprised b/c who ever it might be at any given time always do an awesome job. Thank you Mrs. Julie, Mrs. Lapina and all the Ladies for another memorable day.