Saturday, April 26, 2008

Frames~ and several of them

It's been sitting there~ behind the dresser collecting dust & little scratches nearly 2 yrs. this summer. But it finally made its transition to the wall. I'm talking a big picture frame that holds a variety of sizes 41 in all. It's something I bought several years ago to accommodate pictures of a large family that's still growing. Karen lovingly started it for me the same year I bought it but we never finished it. I had made myself a vow to have a picture of my newest family members up before they arrive for their visit and I've accomplished it. I didn't do it alone though.~ It was God who gave me the time & patience to finalize it and I'm so thankful ....and then there is the scanner~ I used it several times to make copies of the original and then windows to retrieve and fix ones I had installed from the digital and of course I have to mention freebies. I downloaded a free trial version of Pic Prints and there you can customize the sizes you need~ how cool is that? The biggest challenge was measuring the different sizes~ a ruler would have been nice but of course you can't never find one when you need it so I used one of those protector rulers and it wasn't to bad. I did however find out its alot easier to fit them on a flat surface than a mattress~ and then it was smooth sailing from there. I'm so excited that its done. Over the course of the last few years I've gotten lots of neat frames mainly as presents and I've been filling those as well and still have yet more to go . Its' deciding what pictures to use and well I went looking and couldn't find them~ so I'll have to try other places~ I know God will present them when he is ready and I'll be patient and will wait til then. It's getting late and I'm tired so to all of you ~ have a good night.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just remembering

Though it's been a week already since Pastor taught about "The Message of Hope" it has been has been tucking at my heart as I recall a girlfriend back in elementary school. Then I didn't know about Salvation but I did take her to my safe place~ A non denominational church I attended and the only person I thought understood and that was my Sunday School teacher and also my teacher at Awanas'. I took her maybe a couple times on Wednesday Nights~ She was safe, cared for and had know 3 caring friends if we include our Speech teacher. At that time I didn't know how she managed to get out of her house but now being older I know God had a hand in it. Her father was a very abusive man, he didn't allow her to change clothes daily & seldom allowed her to bathe and out of fear of being beat herself~ her mother never stood up for her~ If I remember she had a brother who was taken care of a tad bit better. We had an awesome speech teacher who helped w/ providing her a place to wash, food to eat and on occasion a change of clothes. The other kids would tease her and me often. They'd tease me for being her friend, I didn't care I was taught acceptance. Her outward appearance didn't matter, she was a human being just as we were and that's what counted. This is where "hope" comes in~ after several months which seemed like eternity ~ She and her sibling were removed and taken to a better place. She would not be allowed to stay in contact, or give her new name for safety sake~ I was sad but happy that she would be safe and that was hope enough for me. The End!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

How to I lost lbs and inches.

Got ya, didn't I. The title isn't about losing body weight, but I do feel lighter. I visited Denise B. today and lets just say I indeed lost inches, not sure how many but there was lots, and lots of hair. I jokily suggested she go into the toupee making business b/c my hair would have easily made one . I don't recall the last time it was this short, if I remember right~ it has been years. You could say it took 2 attempts to get it the way I wanted. The first was good, but I had wings touching my face and it bothered me, so Denise kindly cut them away and it took nearly an hour for the whole process and I'm not joking. Why does it take so long? I tend to make cutting my hair a yearly thing. Thank You Denise for your time & patience!! and so far the children haven't told me I look like a boy and that's a good thing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Trip

Well, we were surprised, but it wasn't to unfounded, every visit to West Virginia yields something new, and on this trip it was miniature goats. They were so cute and the standing one was a sly little fella. They were on occasion allowed to leave their yard and roam about the big yard but this particular one would crawl under the fence-needless to say he and his brother got returned to goat jail and I think it was perhaps him again, whom got really loud when Matthew offended them by calling them sheep~ you had to be there~ it was funny. I think I surprised many by going and I'm glad I did. I put in a little more physical activity than normal~ I'm a house person and well the rest of this family is outdoorsy, especially there. Amanda climbed trees, We flew kites and roamed about w/ the cows @ horses. Matthew loved those darn critters and even got us surrounded by them. I picked him up and made a beeline along a path by the fence to a picnic table until Junior came closer to them, yes I was a tad bit alarmed and at that point not exactly thrilled, but as you can see nothing happened, just another notch on the adventure belt. There are plenty more stories to share, but my assistant just arrived ( Matthew age 2) and well he likes to push buttons and I'm not taking a chance on losing this post~ so goodnight.