Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hi there again, sorry about the long absence. It's been a crazy few weeks and I'm writing to let you all know I'm good. This past & prior Thursday I was beginning to think I was in grade school again- I had to go for psychological testing and do all sorts of goofy activities- play w/ blocks, look at puzzles and fill in the missing rotation, take a true/ false test ( only 563 questions) make up stories to picture art , and finish writing complete sentences (51) and my all time favorites : definitions and similarities (lol) I even had to take some crazy computer test ( hit the mouse once when hearing or seeing 1) . I couldn't resist the urge to ask the attending doctor " Are you trying to figure out my mind or test my patience?" That got a good chuckle. Anyway that's over and done (yeah!!!) and the final results will in this coming week- It was just a matter of getting me a final diagnosis( mood disorder) but which one. I've also officially completed the sleep study, went overnight yesterday and though I was attached to all kinds of wires, it was quite comfortable. The tech was very nice and the room was gorgeous. Oh, I decided to save the best for last- the doctor recommended ground flax seed, apparently I have a slight case of too much bad cholesterol and suggested I go on a diet, I've tried it and it's nasty- I think I'll split the 2-3 tsps over the coarse of the day - but I have improved my water drinking habits and try to take a small walk down or around the block.
I'm beginning to feel a little more like myself w/ each passing day so here's to a great week for you and me. Take Care.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Oh Kim, I'm so glad that you are feeling better! I'm looking forward to hearing about the results of your tests!

Kris's Korner said...

Keep on the right track girlfriend. I'm happy to see your working on Kim. I love ya and hope to see you soon.

Debbie said...

I am glad you are feeling better every day! I love the story about the testing...I could picture you asking if he was testing your patience!!

Trish said...

Only 563 questions??? Yikes! Glad you are done with all of those! I take flax seed every day too, and it's not so bad if you mix it in oatmeal or sprinkle it on toast or an english muffin with honey. I'm sure it will help you in the long run. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are getting some answers to your health problems. I think I would have had to ask the same question about the tests~~~they would have tried my patience too! I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

R. L. Evans said...

That's great you are feeling better! I think that was funny what you said to the doctor about testing your patience! hehehe Good for you getting more exercise and drinking more water!

Lil Gretchy said...

Hey! I'm glad your testing is done, and your patience passed the test! I think I'd go nuts trying to answer so many questions! Keep up the good work with the exercise and flax seed! Like Trish said, try mixing it in your food. You won't notice it as much!