Saturday, September 8, 2007

Health Update

Hi friends & family it has been a while and I'm happy to say I'm feeling better. Those mood swings that I had talked about recently has nothing to do with hormones for they were in a normal range. So what is it that attributed to my sadness, crying spells and self doubt? A chemical imbalance. Was I surprised? not one bit since I suspected it along. I knew what I had to do ~it was the matter of not wanting to see a particular group of doctors that kept me from seeking that help. Well I have great news~ Another location opened which is run by a totally different association and I couldn't be happier. The doctors are so much more thorough and look at all the symptoms from all angles. I went on Wednesday for an across the board blood test and they are recommending a sleep test but that will require the family doc's permission and an okay from our insurance and I'll be looking for that hopefully in the near future. I have just completed 4 days of group therapy and have to have my final schedule by Monday. Not neccesiarly a schedule but a final decision on whether I'll do all week or just the three days- Did I forget to mention its a two week coarse? I still have to iron out the details of you will be watching Matthew and when. Well the med I now take for a mood disorder is taking effect and It makes me tired and I sure don't want to fall asleep sitting here so I've got to get going. I wish each of you a great week.


Anonymous said...

I love you sis. I'm happy to hear that you are doing better. I'll be thinking of you.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Glad things are getting better!

JeanMac said...

Glad to hear news id good and help is there. Take care.

Kris's Korner said...

I'm glad that you are feeling better. I can help a few days with Matthew if you need it.

Kris's Korner said...

Your new glasses are soooo cute I'm thankful things are looking up.

Trish said...

Praying for you! I wouldn't mind having Matthew sometime. Please take care of yourself. We love you!

Mrs Karen G said...

Sure glad tests came out ok, you will do just fine, glad you like the new group, keep up the good work, and Im up to date on my reading :O) , Love ya, HUGS

Debbie said...

I am glad things are going better!

R. L. Evans said...

I'm really happy for you that things are doing better!