Monday, November 12, 2007

An Interesting Book

Hi, Sorry I haven't blogged ~ it seems like its been forever. I just didn't have much to say. In between doing the normal household stuff and feeling a bit under the weather myself. Plus the computer seems to be running a bit slow these days~ it has its moments. I've also been reading an interesting book. " Believe In The God Who Believes In You" . By Robert H. Schuller. Its a rather thick book only 297 pages. The beginning is just intro stuff but each chapter is based on a different commandment. At first I had a hard time getting into it. He asks lots of questions then sometimes leaves the answers unknown to the end of the chapter.
I like many of the sayings he states in big outlined yellow squares. I'll share some.

" Money gives you the dubious luxury of choosing from among even more distractions.
" Enthusiasm, self- confidence, faith in God, love, are all contagious, and you can help spread them"
" Take the time and cultivate the patience to choose positive, forceful words that will uplift yourself & others"
" Christ honored the name of God by restoring lost honor to lost souls"
" When you think you've exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven't."
" Set aside regular times to draw close to the God who believes in You."
These were just a handful and there are many, many more throughout the whole book. Of course the title speaks for itself. The main message the author wants to share and is do doubt true: That God cares, believes, loves,knows, and is always there for each of us. In two different chapters he gives little quizzes~ Chapter 1's is a questioner about who really believes , trusts, and loves you ~ even @ your worse. Answer #1 is God. and of course there are others I can think of. Chapter 9 isn't so much a quiz but describes people whom we tend to respect and helps to make us a more positive person. I know I've only gotten to where I am~ because the good Lord cares and has led me and has provided me with some wonderful encouraging friends whom have helped to me to become a better person. So to all of you~ THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU.


Mrs Karen G said...

I have that same problem with reading, if the book dont catch me in the beginning, its a goner, LOL, Im glad for you on reading this book of yours, and Im glad Im your friend, keep up the good works my bestest friend, (((((HUGS)))))

Debbie said...

It in nice you found a book that encourages you. It sounds like it has kept you busy.

Kris's Korner said...

Keep on keeping on. Love YA

JeanMac said...

Great post, Kim.