Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
We had a great time in West Virginia, On a personal level I think it was probably one of the nicer trips that I've had in a long time, mentally speaking of course. I would say we all relaxed just a tad bit more than usual and even socialized a bit more. This year we had the privilege of spending extra time w/ the littlest of nieces & nephews-all so adorable, energetic and photogenic- lots of noise but well worth it. We, the adults played different games and that was lots of fun. We did dinner w/ his brother's family Thursday, and On Friday w/ his sisters, and the same brother at his sister's house. Can you believe I actually lost one pound after big meals like these? I kept simple portions, eating for energy not to over stuff myself. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving filled w/ love and family. Take Care. |
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A very creative child.
I'm very proud of Amanda, who is in the fourth grade now. The teachers have been encouraging them (students) to be more creative. They have already done a project related to science, social studies and art in general- and all the children have done a fascinating job. Just today they show cased a variety of the best works that had won the Young Artist Award @ a Barnes & Noble store in Bolingbrook, and there was also a book fair that gave back 10% to the school. 
Amanda's foil ballerina, that was a young artist award winner.( 4Th graders had to do a sculpture relating to a sport)
Amanda's foil ballerina, that was a young artist award winner.( 4Th graders had to do a sculpture relating to a sport)
I liked this picture for the crazy hair. ( it was done by Kevin, don't know him or what grade he's in , I just enjoyed it.)
the gymnast, done by Brittany.
Jackie had been busy creating as well, Her class/team was in charge of making origami jumping frogs and name cards in a different language for multi-culture night. and I just wanted to say I'm glad she had this experience and I'm proud of her.
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wednesday Nov. 14/2007 The children & I went to a multi-culture night @ Jackie's school. I felt bad we didn't attend church, but this was the first time in the 9 yrs I've been in this school district that they have offered anything of this magnitude. Each continent was represented and the 6Th-8Th grade students did an incredible job as did the performers. It was a really planned out w/ an assortment of things to do. A book fair, Area restaurants offered an assortment of foods to try. I'm not talking just samples, they were very generous. Matthew couldn't get enough of the Chinese rice dish and they even let me bring him home some. They had different performers in the auditorium, and the continents on display in the gym. They had the clothes, instruments and other odds & ends. A very nice evening to say the least, this picture ( originally a 5 by 7) was a freebie, courtesy of the school as a thank you for attending. Something I just wanted to share.
Monday, November 12, 2007
An Interesting Book
Hi, Sorry I haven't blogged ~ it seems like its been forever. I just didn't have much to say. In between doing the normal household stuff and feeling a bit under the weather myself. Plus the computer seems to be running a bit slow these days~ it has its moments. I've also been reading an interesting book. " Believe In The God Who Believes In You" . By Robert H. Schuller. Its a rather thick book only 297 pages. The beginning is just intro stuff but each chapter is based on a different commandment. At first I had a hard time getting into it. He asks lots of questions then sometimes leaves the answers unknown to the end of the chapter. I like many of the sayings he states in big outlined yellow squares. I'll share some. " Money gives you the dubious luxury of choosing from among even more distractions. " Enthusiasm, self- confidence, faith in God, love, are all contagious, and you can help spread them" " Take the time and cultivate the patience to choose positive, forceful words that will uplift yourself & others" " Christ honored the name of God by restoring lost honor to lost souls" " When you think you've exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven't." " Set aside regular times to draw close to the God who believes in You." These were just a handful and there are many, many more throughout the whole book. Of course the title speaks for itself. The main message the author wants to share and is do doubt true: That God cares, believes, loves,knows, and is always there for each of us. In two different chapters he gives little quizzes~ Chapter 1's is a questioner about who really believes , trusts, and loves you ~ even @ your worse. Answer #1 is God. and of course there are others I can think of. Chapter 9 isn't so much a quiz but describes people whom we tend to respect and helps to make us a more positive person. I know I've only gotten to where I am~ because the good Lord cares and has led me and has provided me with some wonderful encouraging friends whom have helped to me to become a better person. So to all of you~ THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU. |
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Slone family @ Konow's Pumpkin Patch.
Well what can I say~ its been an interesting week. We started out last Saturday going soul winning followed by a day spent as a family with our church family at a local pumpkin patch, it was lots of fun and the weather wasn't to bad either. It was the days that followed that things took a turn for the not so good. Before we even thought about leaving the activities
Matthew went into a screaming rampage- still not quite sure what that was all about~ lots of tears, lots of nasal discharge. For safety sake and not wanting to get all the nursery children sick we kept him home. I went to church Sunday morning while my husband did the evening service. Monday day wasn't to bad but come Monday evening Jackie came down with the flu and was home the rest of the week, Tuesday was manageable and Wednesday the other two children came down sick. As one can imagine Thursday was not a productive day~ Matthew was highly clingy and was attached to my hip, shoulder and just about everywhere else~ he just had to be touching me. Come 9 o'clock when daddy came home~ I had to do something and fast. I went nuts cleaning and disinfecting everything and by midnight I was tired out but content with the fact I had done something productive. I'm not saying it was easy and that I didn't lose my temper. I did get testy~but I didn't totally lose it. Why? I had God on my side and at this moment of time he wanted me to be a caring, loving comforting mom to a sick child. Now here we are today and all three children were home again, the early morning was a breeze for daddy was home but come this afternoon I was beside myself, The clinging returned and I wasn't so sure what to do with the evening plans. Thank the Lord Matthew took a long nap and I was able to sit and soak in a nice warm tub~ which really was re- freshing. My mom came out~ and I was able to attend " Spiritual Gifts" the theme for this months Ladies ministry @ GBC. Very interesting! and I'll possibly post more about that at a later time. I'm happy that I went and was able to fellowship and learn new things and that this very long week will soon come to an end~ It wasn't bad but a bit more than I'm used too.
So too all my friends~ Have a healthy happy week and talk to you soon.
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